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Category: Chemicals & Plastics -> Chemical products -> Fertilizers and pesticides

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[China]Root growth regulator (powder)

CN Agro License No.: LS95721 Manfd Standard: Q/PSB05—2000 Certified Product License No.: HNP45044-C0133 Active Ingredient: 50% indolebutyric acid―α-naphthalene acetic acid Product Form: powder GENDUOZHUANG Root Growth Promoter is a wide-spectrum, highly effective root growth regulator. It is effective for promoting root growth, strengthening root activity and increasing plant survivals, while capable of eliminating root bacteria to a reasonable extent. It is most ideal for[...]


[China]0.3% Matrine Botanical Fungicide

dosage type: aqueous solution products characteristic: 0.3% matrine fungicide is extracted from 16 kinds of Chinese herbs, it is a pure botanical fungicide. The mortality to fungi hits over 90%. No contain any content of chemical, no drug remain, no public pollution, it is not harmful to human. Not only it kill fungi, but also can enhance immunity of plant, increase of plant growth and improve yield. prevent and control object: powlery mildew, downy mildew, gray mould, rotten disease, rust[...]



Sethoxydim kills grasses by preventing the synthesis of lipids, but it has little or no impact on broadleaf herbs or woody plants. Sethoxydim is readily degraded through microbial metabolism and photolysis, and possibly by hydrolysis. Numerous degradation products have been identified, some of which are also toxic to plants. The average half-life of sethoxydim in soils is four to five days, but half-lives can range from a few hours to 25 days. Because sethoxydim is water-soluble and does[...]


[Taiwan]NPK compound Liquid fertilizer

We are a manufacturer of all kind NPK compound liquid fertilizer, NPK compound granule fertilizer, water soluble powder fertilizer, organic fertilizer from Taiwan and China, if you are interesting our fertilizer, please advise us about your demand NPK contents, then we will quote the price to you soon.[...]


[Poland]„EKO Użyźniacz”

Naturalny – silnie skoncentrowany „HUMVIT – EKO UNIWERSALNY” [NE/46/2005] -środek poprawiający właściwości gleb i podłoży, skuteczny przez cały sezon wegetacyjny. Środek bardzo przydatny w podnoszeniu „produkcyjności” gleb w gospodarstwach ekologicznych, w uprawach wielkotowarowych zbóż, warzyw, drzew, krzewów i kwiatów, w ogrodach przydomowych i na działkach, w parkach miejskich i terenach zieleni. Zapobiega skutkom nadmiernej eksploatacji. Odnawia życie biologiczne gleby.[...]


[China]NPK (corn, soybean, paddy, wheat, fruit tree)

NPK (CORN,SOYBEAN,PADDY,WHEAT,FRUIT TREE,) Price: Sort: Industrial chemicals → Chemical fertilizer POTASSIUM CHLORIDE , POTASSIUM SULPHATE 50% AMMONIUM CHLORIDE 25% 99.5% NPK :15-15-15.10-10-15.17-13-15,15-17-13,19-7-7,13-17-15 corn NPK 21-7.5-7.5,22-8-12,18-10-13,20-6-6,10-8-7 soybean NPK 12-16-13,13-20-10, paddy NPK 22-8-11,17-13-15 wheat NPK 8-13-10 potato NPK 8-12-20 fruit tree NPK 2-6-7 cotton NPK 12-16-12 grape NPK 10-8-12 chestnut NPK 18-6-8 peanut NPK 10-8-12[...]


[Poland]NPK Fertilizers for sale

NPK with content described below: NPK 26-7-7 (mix) NPK 8-20-30 NPK 8-15-30 NPK 16-16-16 NPK 10-19-25 B. NPK 6-26-30 (mix) NPK 5-21-36 (mix)[...]


[China]Aluminium Phosphide

Aluminium Phosphide is a greyish-green or green-yellowish solid, it reacts with moisture in air ? water or acids to release phosphine PH 3 , which is toxic and easy to burn and explode. The gas released has a strong typical smell resembling garlic at concentrations below the danger limit. Density: 2.84 g/cm 3 (15/4) real density 0.85 g/cm 3 (15/4) bulk powder 1.0 g/cm 3 (15/4) S.G. of Tablet/Pellet Fire Density: PH 3 26mg/L (150 o C) Low limit of explosive: content of PH 3 1.8%[...]


[China]Glyphosate-IDA route,atrazine, acetochlor and other herbicides

How are you recently since our last meeting in 07CAC Shanghai pesitcides exhibition, our firm mainly specialized in herbicides producing, especially for glyphosate-IDA route and PMIDA, you said you are interested in cooperating with us on glyphosate solutions, would you advise us the next step for our cooperation? Please check below my brief introduction to my firm, and the products below all produced by our own factories. Firstly allow me briefly introduce my company. Our company situated[...]



Common name : - Carbosulfan 20% Packaging : 30 LT/DM 18 LT/DM 4 LT/4 1000 CC/12 500 CC/12 100 CC/24[...]
