Category: Chemicals & Plastics -> Machinery for chemical industry
Country: All countries
 Evaporating flask(L):20
Receving flask(L):10
Heating bath:5kw 100℃
Rate of evaporation(H2O):>5L/h
Power supply:220V[...] Details...  ZG700A vacuum homogenizing machine is the main type of ZG series. It has 3 sets of upper-position type mixers that can be set up for 2 modes: one is frame mode mixing & double high speed dissolver; the other is frame mode mixing, high speed dissolver and homogenizer. It can meet various working procedure requirements of costumers.
ZG700A vacuum homogenizing machine with a vacuum pump and a hydraulic pump has performance of good entirety, easy installation,flexible use and full functions.
ZG700A[...] Details...  Electrolyzer for manufacture of hydrogen and oxygen SEU-40(Russia)
Characteristics of installation
Productivity: hydrogen 40 m 3/hour
oxygen 20 m 3/hour
Cleanliness of gases: hydrogen 99.7 %
oxygen 99.5 %
Cleanliness of gases after clearing: hydrogen 99.999 %
oxygen 99.99 %
Capacity of electrolyzer: 1.3 m 3
Force of a current brought electrolyzer: 1000 ampere
Pressure(voltage) on electrolyzer:[...] Details...  Suitable to inject all kind of Polyurethane Foam, having the following technical features:
- Open frame for easier maintenance, on wheels
- N.2 Motors with inverters. - N.2 high pressure dosing pumps
- Variation of ratio and out-put by closed loop system programmed and monitored through
Operator Panel
- N.1 high pressure cartridge filter for Iso. - N.2 pressure switch
- Connection flexible pipes between machine body and mixing head.
- Pneumatic stream distributor[...] Details...  On sale a NON retournable glass line. This line has the following:
§ Depalletizer of new bottles
§ Bottle rinser
§ Bottle filler + Intermix (it can fill bottles from 200 to 330 cc)
§ Bottle packer in retractil film
§ Full boxes palletizer
§ Pallet Transporters
§ Boxes Transporters
§ Bottle Transporters
§ Date coders
This line does not have labeller, because current producer works with bottles already labelled from glass manufacturer.
machinery is in perfect working state.
can[...] Details...  W zależności od rodzaju, zakresu prowadzonych badań, rodzaju stosowanych środków chemicznych oraz innych uwarunkowań proponujemy różne typy dygestoriów:
1. Dygestoria z PVC - odporne na działanie kwasów i zasad.
2. Dygestoria z polipropylenu (PP)- odporne na freon (ciekły i lotny), stężone kwasy i temp.do 92oC.
W przypadku specjalnych oczekiwań Państwa, co do odporności chemicznej możemy wyposażać dygestoria w systemy powierzchni roboczych z żywic epoksydowych amerykańskiej firmy DURCON[...] Details...   All-purpose electric band furnace , PFEC type for running with regulated atmosphere enables the application of heat treatment and heat and chemical technology of charge within the range 750-960oC.
I n the furnace, among the other things, the following technological processes can be carried out:
* gas carburizing, generally in the temperature from 850oC to 950oC in carburizing atmosphere generated from liquid organic compounds or carrying atmosphere from generator, enriched with natural[...] Details...  Prfesjonalne projekty automatyki i maszyn przemysłowych . Przy naszych projektac posługujemy się zaawansowanym oprogramowaniem CAD 3D .[...] Details...  Mam do zaoferowania Urządzenie ZWK1302-1 HDT/VICAT 3 stacje pomiarowe, sterowane komputerowo producenta MTS SYSTEMS (CHINA) CO.,LTD. dawniej (SANS).
Zastosowanie: Urządzenie jest przeznaczone do badania temperatury ugięcia pod obciążeniem (HDT) i temperatury mięknięcia VICATA (VST) tworzyw sztucznych. Wysoka precyzja pomiarów, w pełni automatyczny proces badania, nadzorowany przez komputer PC. Unoszenie i opuszczanie stacji pomiarowych przy pomocy silnika elektrycznego. Ilość stacji[...] Details...  MAIN USE:
This machine is a Semi Automatic cutting Type,It is mostly used for foam blocks vertical cutting and synchronously cutting all kinds of EVA and Pearl Rubber. This machine adopts inverter timing controlled system. Its automatization level is high, the cutting is accurate and the operation are both easy and safe.[...] Details...